Saturday, September 14, 2013

4th Rule: Calorie Quality, Not Quantity



Written by: Tony Schober,

     I'm eating x,xxx amount of calories and I still can't lose weight. Sound like you? Don't get me wrong, calorie quantity is important – very important actually, but that's not all that matters - the quality of those calories are just as important.

     Take two extremes, a 1500 calorie diet comprised of nothing but sugar, and a 1500 calorie diet comprised of lean protein, healthy fats, and low-glycemic carbohydrates. Do you think that the all-sugar diet will give you the same results
 as the more balanced diet?

     Obviously, this is an extreme example used to make a point, but the point still 
stands even when the extremes aren't so extreme. Your body doesn't just need calories, 
it also needs nutrients. Calories are energy, but nutrients are what provide your body 
with the necessary ingredients for efficient fat burning, hormone production, and nearly
 every other function of the human body.

     Certain nutrients are essential. Essential fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals all need 
to be ingested through your diet for proper body function. Your body is a very smart 
machine. It is not going to start ridding itself of stored energy if it's not getting all the 
nutrients it requires.
     Not eating enough essential fatty acids? Your body will send out hunger signals 
until you do consume enough of these. Too little protein? Your mood and ability to build
muscle and boost your metabolism will suffer.

     I recommend this specific Carlson's Omega-3 Oil if you need help getting in your 
essential fatty acids.

     Focus on eating a nutrient dense diet. Keep an eye on your calorie intake, but if 
you're eating a diet consisting of whole foods and you're strength training and getting 
active, I think you'd be surprised at how difficult it is to remain at a high body fat. It's 
just not that easy to consume too many calories eating nothing but whole foods. You 
really have to try if you want to put on weight.

     Eat your veggies. Eat your protein. Eat your essential fatty acids. Eat enough 
carbohydrates to fuel your exercise. Make the most of the calories you're eating.

     Be patient, and the weight loss will come naturally.

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