By: Leonard Rogalski
It has happened to all of us, we
put on a few pounds then a special occasion comes up, like a wedding
or a reunion and when we go and try and on that dress that we
bought a year ago, because it was on sale, that is just perfect for the
occasion, we find that it is too-tight.
In this
article, how to get rid of tummy fat fast, I am going to lay out steps that anyone, man or
woman, can use to be able to fit into that special outfit, however, there is
one catch, this is not a long term plan, simply one to be used for times when you need to lose a few pounds in a hurry!
O.K. lets get started!
One more
thing for the sake of this article I'm going to assume you have a week to drop the extra
weight you need to for the special occasion outfit to fit, if you
have more time, great, however if you have less, do not despair these tips will still work you just won't lose as much weight.
first tip is simple and you can start doing it right now, simply stand up straight (you can also
do it seating as well) and take a deep breath through your nose now let
it all out through your mouth, and imagine you are trying to zip up
that tight dress or pair of pants.
Suck in your stomach as far as
you can, hold it for a count,
and then let go.
This simple movement works the
transverse abdominal muscle (which is the deepest of the six
abdominal muscles) and when done regularly, especially right after
getting up in the morning before you've eaten can reduce your waist by up
to one inch!
It's not magic, just the fact
that your working those muscles.
You can
also do this movement throughout the day, and I would recommend this if you are in a
hurry to lose as much as you can around your waist, however if you
are looking for the most bang for your tummy-flattening-buck do
your deep breathing/stomach vacuums first thing in the morning.
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Start off doing only a few and
work up until you are doing about 5-10 minutes worth in the
An added
benefit of doing this movement is that it helps to condition the upper abs as well.
this a good method to remind yourself not to over-eat, whenever you find your self,
craving or reaching for something, you know you should have, suck your stomach in 5-10 times, this serves a duel purpose, first it will help
get your mind off food and second it will help to remind you of what you
are doing all this for.
The second tip is to go on a low
carb diet, the reason being that this will cause you to lose excess
water which should make you a little bit smaller.
simplest way to do this is just to cut out all sweets and breads and eat basically meat, salads,
and vegetables for the week.
As I
said above it may not be the healthiest thing to do, but you should be o.k. if you only do it
for one week or so.
My last tip is simply to
try and walk as much as possible, I know this does not sound like much, but
when you just start on a low carb diet and are stressed as it is about
the special occasion the last thing you need is to start a full
exercise program.
besides walking burns calories and can be fit in anytime, on the treadmill, during a lunch hour,
and before and after work.
When you
are trying to squeeze in a special outfit, every ounce of movement helps.
I hope
you enjoyed how to get rid of tummy fat fast, but please remember, losing weight fast is
never a good idea, it is best to always lose it slowly.
Article Source:
These are
some of the comments Use
this secret recipe!!
Roberta Saum, Gold Run, California
Vital Stats: Age 52, weight lost 60 lbs., inches lost:
8" on waist, 10" on hips.
I was so frustrated with not getting the body I wanted.It wasn’t until I found Venus Factor that I finally reshaped my body. I wasn't

After doing the Venus program I realized that before I was doing almost everything wrong and way too complicated. I’m 50 and I’m in the leanness and best shape of my life. I’ so happy, I have never been happier.
Jannette Joly, Laval, Quebec
Vital Stats: Age 54, weight lost 60 lbs., inches lost:
11" on waist, 10" on hips.
am so grateful to John who is an amazing guy by the way, he’s the type of
trainer that a trainer like me looks up to. It's important

Sherah Taylor, Oregon
Vital Stats: Age 36, weight lost 60 lbs., inches lost:
12" on waist, 7" on hips.

determination and willpower to exercise and eat
right, but was never EVER able to see such unbelievable results
until I found
Venus. I pinch myself every day to see if I am dreaming...
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