Saturday, September 28, 2013

7th Rule: Make small Changes,


   Written by: Tony Schober,  

     This forgotten rule seems so simple, yet the majority of people don't
even give it any thought. It's most likely a result of over-enthusiasm
towards undergoing a new fitness program. Many people's desire to
get fit sparks from a single moment of motivation. This motivation is
great, but can set you up for failure if you don't learn how to harness its

     Make small changes until they become habit, and then make another
small change. Repeat. That is the real secret to developing new
healthy habits. It's not about doing everything now that you're going to
be doing 6 months from now. It's about knowing what you're going to
be doing 6 months from now, and taking small steps that will eventually
add up to get you there.

     The great news is that making small changes is much easier to do than
going full bore from day one. On top of that, the odds of you sticking
with your new lifestyle increase exponentially once each new change
becomes habit.

     Is it impossible to lose weight making all the changes at once? Of
course not. It might be the fastest way to get from point A to point B,
but faster is not always better. If there's one thing you need to learn,
it's that weight loss will test your patience. Patience and consistency
are major keys to your success.

     What does this "small changes" process look like? If you're a diet soda
drinker, and you drink 1 diet soda a day, try to cut back to 2 per week
for the first week. Don't make any other changes. Your only goal for the
week is to go from 7 to 2 diet sodas a week. Once you've
accomplished that, it's time to make the next small change. Next up
might be to add veggies to each of your meals. The following week you
might start adding in 2 days of exercise a week. The next week you
increase your protein intake. The next? Increase your workout days to

     I think you see the progression. Most importantly though, do not move
on to the next small change until you've mastered the small change
you're working on. You might not get it right the first week. Don't worry
about it. This isn't a race. The next week you're going to do it again. It's
your only goal for the week, and if you focus on it, you're going to
eventually accomplish it.

     Once those small changes start adding up, you start to realize that
things start getting easier to change. Eventually, you can't believe you
were ever living that old lifestyle. You're a new person now, and you
can never go back to the old you.

     Keep making those small changes. Before you even notice it, that
amazing side effect of being healthy - weight loss, starts to change
your body right before your eyes. It's a great feeling, and the best thing
is that those new habits have become a lifestyle that will change you
and last forever.

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