Saturday, September 14, 2013

3rd Rule: Forget About Targeting Fat Loss


Written by: Tony Schober,

      It's one of the most
common myths out there
- the ability to target fat
loss in any one area.
People will do sit-ups in
vain trying to get a firmer
stomach. They'll do all
kinds of leg and butt
exercises to tone up the
area. Unfortunately, you didn't get to choose
where the fat went on, and you don't get to choose where it comes off.

     Fat loss is systemic in nature. It is not localized. When you exercise or are in
a caloric deficit, your body releases fat mobilizing hormones to fuel its function.
Within a few seconds and heartbeats, those hormones are dispersed throughout
your entire body. From there, they start mobilizing fat stores to be used as energy.

     We all store fat differently. Where we tend to store it most is a function of many
variables. Testosterone, estrogen, genetics, and insulin sensitivity are just a few
of those variables that help determine where your excess calories are going to be
stored. On top of that, how you put fat on could be very different from how you
take it back off.

     Start thinking of body fat as one giant mass instead of the combination of
many parts. It is not butt fat, ab fat, leg fat, or arm fat. It is body fat. Your body has
a certain percentage of body fat on it, and that number can be manipulated, but
you are never going to have six pack abs, while at the same time have a high
body fat percentage.

     Focus on lowering your body fat percentage, and the muscles you've been
working so hard to build will start to show through. We all have six pack abs
already. Some of us just have a layer of fat covering them. If you want those abs
to show through, forget about doing ab exercises, and start focusing on your

     As the saying goes - abs are made in the kitchen. Your diet is going to play the
biggest role in controlling your body fat percentage. If you want to target fat loss
(change your body fat percentage), your diet is the key.

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