Thursday, October 31, 2013

Healthy Eating for Children - Changing Your Family's Eating Habits


WebMD Medical Reference from Healthwise

     Healthy eating means eating a variety 
of foods from all food groups. It means 
choosing fewer foods that have lots of 
fats and sugar. But it does not mean that 
your child cannot eat desserts or other 
treats now and then.

     With a little planning, you can create 
a structure that gives your child (and you) 
the freedom to make healthy eating choices
Think of this as planning not just for the kids but for everyone in your family.

First steps

     Set up a regular snack and meal schedule. Kids need to eat at least every 3 
to 4 hours. Most children do well with three meals and two or three snacks a 

     Eat meals together as a family as often as possible.

     Start with small, easy-to-achieve changes, such as offering more fruits and 
vegetables at meals and snacks.

     Look at your portion sizes. Remember that younger children may eat smaller 
amounts than adults. Although paying attention to portion sizes is important 
(especially ofless nutritious foods), it is up to your child to decide how much 
food he or she needs to eat at a meal to feel full.

     Slowly cut down on soda pop and other high-sugar drinks. Serve water to 
quench thirst. You can encourage your child to drink more water and fewer 
sugar-sweetened drinks by keeping cold water on hand in the refrigerator.

     At meals, serve milk. (Children under 12 months of age should not drink 
cow's milk.) Most children need whole milk between 1 and 2 years of age. But 
your doctor may recommend 2% milk if your child is overweight or if there is a 
family history of obesity, high blood pressure, or heart disease. Over the age of 

     Consider meeting with a registered dietitian for help with meal and snack 
planning (nutritional counseling).

     When trying new foods at a meal, be sure to also include a food that your 
child likes. Don't be discouraged if it takes several tries before your child 
actually eats a new food. It may take as many as 15 times or more before 
your child will try a new food.

     Even though your child may not eat the food, it is important to keep serving 
it so that your child can see other family members enjoying it. Also, your child 
should not think that meals are going to be planned only around his or her food 
preferences. Remember, you are in charge of deciding which foods are served 
at meal and snacks.

     If you are feeling out of control over your own eating habits or weight, your 
child may be learning some poor eating habits from you. See a registered 
dietitian, your doctor, or a mental health professional experienced with eating 
problems, if needed. For more information, see the topics Healthy Eating and  
Weight Management.

 Encourage healthy choices

    Help your child learn to make healthy food and lifestyle choices by 
following these steps:

     Be a good role model. Practice the eating and exercise habits you'd like 
your children to have. Your example is your child's most powerful learning tool.

    Increase active time. Make physical activity a part of your family's daily life. 

Set limits on your child's daily TV and computer time to no more than 2 hours 
a day. Experts recommend no TV for children under 2 years.

    Eat breakfast. Having breakfast with your child can help start a lifelong 
healthy habit.

    Involve your child in meal planning and grocery shopping. When your child 
is old enough, teach him or her about food preparation, cooking and food 
safety and, later, how to use food label information . While giving your child 
a role in decision making, remember that you have the final say in food planning.

    Involve your child in cooking. Children enjoy helping out, and they learn 
easily with hands-on experience. They can also use other skills, such as math, 
when counting or measuring ingredients.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Some Teens Risk Health to Build Muscle


By: Salynn Boyles,
WebMD Health Nows

     Nov. 19, 2012 -- The quest for six-pack abs 
and a ripped physique may be leading some teens  
especially boys -- in an unhealthy direction, a new 
study suggests.

     Nearly 2,800 middle school and high school students answered 
questions about what they did to build muscle size or tone. Exercise was, 
far and away, the most common thing boys and girls reported doing.

     However, some teens reported a risky behavior: Almost 6% of boys 
and 4.6% of girls said they had used steroids.

     Media images of muscle-bound, "ripped" guys may be giving teen 
boys unrealistic ideas about how their bodies should look, in the same 
way ultra-thin fashion models do for teen girls, says researcher Marla 
Eisenberg, ScD, MPH, of the University of Minnesota.

     “If you look back to the '70s or even the '80s it was pretty unusual 
to see a man without a shirt on in an ad or on TV,” she says. “Now 
they are everywhere and they all emphasize the muscular look.”

     Eisenberg recommends that pediatricians and other health 
professionals ask their teen patients about what they're doing to 
build muscle to check if their strategies are healthy or not.

     “Of course, exercise is a good thing,” she says. “But when the 
emphasis shifts away from health and toward getting a particular look 
or body type, this might point to body image concerns.”

Muscle-Building Activities Common

     The risks are real. It's not uncommon for teens to show up in the 
ER as a result of over-training or using steroids to build muscle, says 
ER doctor Robert Glatter, MD, of New York's Lenox Hill Hospital.

     The new survey, published online today and appearing in the 
December issue of Pediatrics, is the first to examine muscle-building 
behaviors among teens.

‘Proof Not Necessarily in the Mirror’

     Just as with adults, there are healthy and unhealthy ways for teens 
to build muscle, says pediatric sports doctor Chris G. Koutures, MD, 
of Anaheim, Calif.

     Koutures recommends eating a balanced diet with plenty of fruits 
and vegetables, as well as protein for building muscle and strength.

     The American Academy of Pediatrics discourages the use of sports 

     And, as with any supplement, it is not always clear if what is listed 
on the label is really what is in the bottle or jar.

     “I tell my patients the focus should be on how they feel, not how 
they look,” he says. “If they are getting faster and stronger, and they 
are able to work harder, then what they are doing is working. The 
proof isn’t necessarily in the mirror.”

Monday, October 21, 2013

Why You Should Consider Buying HGH Supplements To Build Muscle Quicker


 Just about every male wants to build muscle quicker. We want to have bigger biceps, stronger arms, stronger legs, and just about everything in between. If there is a magic pill that can help us build our muscle quicker, we're usually interested. You should consider buying 
in if you want to build muscle quicker 
because it is a human growth hormone 
that is naturally made inside your body. 
The growth hormone is actually excreted by 
one of your pituitary glands, so it is something that is very natural 
and the body is used to this hormone. Taking increases the supply of 
this hormone, resulting in more muscle growth and at a quicker rate. 
They can make you substantially stronger, can give your body what it 
needs to increase your energy, muscle, metabolism, memory, sexual 
performance, bone health, and more. HGH supplements have been 
proven to provide a wide variety of benefits and they are definitely 
something that you should look into if you want to build muscle 
quicker and become a better person.

Build muscle faster and become stronger

     HGH supplements are the safest way to build muscle quickly and 
become stronger. You can Buy HGH Supplements online and you can 
have them shipped to your home so that you can start taking them 
immediately. It's the easiest and most straightforward way to increase 
your muscle mass and start becoming a much larger person. You will 
also notice your mood increase, you will feel better about yourself and 
you will be excited for the day. Building muscle faster and becoming 
stronger is definitely something that you want to do, especially if you 
value your health and well-being.

Improve your mood and be happier every day

     Just about everyone could use a pick me up supplement. Did you 
know that can actually improve your mood and allow you to be 
happier every day? If you Buy HGH, you will notice a sudden 
improvement in your thoughts, your happiness, and your day-to-day 
interactions. You will feel better talking to people, you will feel happy 
with your life, and you will be excited for what's to come. Muscle 
building is something that every man needs to experience at some 
point in their life.

Lose weight and get into the best shape of your life

     HGH supplements can help you shed weight off your body and 
start getting into better shape. If you have gained some fat and you 
want to lose this weight, can encourage you to build muscle and 
workout harder, so that you lose the weight quicker. It's an effective 
supplement that can be very useful when you have gained too much 
weight and you are trying to get back to what you originally were. 
Similarly, if you are obese, HGH supplements can give you that extra 
energy and excitement, which is so important to losing weight and 
getting a grip on your weight loss strategy. HGH supplements are 
effective in their low-cost, so it is affordable to purchase them.

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